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Dynamic Reporting & KPI Tracking

Tell the story of the Transformation Office

Dynamic Reporting and KPI's Tracking

How do you tell the story of the transformation office?  How do you justify the large sums of scarce capital entrusted in you to deliver on transformational results?  Your stakeholders including the CEO, Board and others are relying on your reporting to "tell the story".  We help you do that with a few clicks.

Executive Dashboards

Executives rely on you to tell the story of the transformation office.  We customize executive dashboards and scorecards to highlight the most important information to not only "tell the story" but also to identify levers to drive effective decisions. 

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Financial Reports

Managing the financials for the transformation office includes tracking expenses. managing budgets, comparing actual to forecast to plan and many other analysis that helps keep the portfolio healthy and productive.  We have built extensive financial reporting for the novice and the most experience.  Also, our adhoc reporting makes it easy to configure and run your own reports.

Performance management is part of the extended suite of reporting capabilities.  Our performance scorecard captures KPI's and a RAG status that provides visual cues into the status of the project's overall health, financial health and other health related data.

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